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Why Are Vehicle Hood Struts Important?

August 20, 2024

The Importance of Hood Struts: What They Do and When to Replace Them

Many vehicles made in the 21st century use gas hood struts instead of prop rods – and aftermarket struts are often available for automobiles that don’t come stock with them. These parts work like small shocks, using compressed gas pressure and pistons to support the hood when it’s open. Why are hood struts so popular? Today, our team looks at why hood struts are important and reviews when they should be replaced to keep performing their best.

Why to Use Hood Struts


Gas hood struts are a safe solution for keeping your hood raised. The hood won’t suddenly fall on you while working on the engine, and you can’t accidentally knock them loose like a prop rod, reducing the chances of injuries.


Once the hood is up, it requires no effort to keep open thanks to the hood struts. With no prop rod, you’ll also have more access to the engine bay, making it easier to do maintenance and repairs or show off your handiwork.

Ease of use

Hood struts are one of the easiest things to use on your car. To open the hood, pop the latch like normal and lift it. When you’re done, grab the hood and manually lower it. That’s it – the gas cylinders automatically provide pressure as needed.


Regular replacement of worn-out hood struts can extend the life of your vehicle’s hood by reducing strain and preventing wear and tear from repeated manual lifting and closing.

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When to Replace Hood Struts?

Like many automotive parts, hood struts won’t last forever. As the seals wear, the gas pressure will start leaking out. Struts typically last around 3-5 years, but this varies depending on the strut’s quality, environment and how frequently you open the hood. As such, the best policy is usually to replace the cylinders at the first indication of trouble. Here are three signs of bad hood struts so you know to swap them out promptly.

  1. You were one of the first hood strut lift kit adopters (struts are getting old!)
  2. You hear squeaking or other noises when you open and close the hood.
  3. The hood fails to stay open, whether it slowly closes or falls quickly.

The good news is that, if the hardware is in good shape, you can just replace the gas cylinder, meaning you’ll need less money and time. Often, one hood strut fails while the other is still operational. You should still replace both, though, since the other strut will likely fail soon. MRT offers replacement gas cylinders so you can show off your engine bay without the prop rod obstruction for many years to come.

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Add Hood Struts to Your Vehicle

If your ride didn’t come with hood struts you want to upgrade to a stylish performance option, MRT has no-drill hood strut kits for many Ford vehicles, including the Mustang GT, Explorer, Bronco and Maverick. In addition to struts for factory hoods, we can make struts for aftermarket hoods upon request. We also sell replacement gas cylinders for when the time comes. Browse our selection today or give us a call to learn more.

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